Neighborhood Nine Coalition

To receive email about important news and events, 

Neighborhood Nine Coalition (N9C) is a grassroot organization in Cambridge, MA built to inform, represent and activate residents on issues related to changes in city policies, procedures, proposed changes, and important events that have potentially impact residents and businesses. 

N9C seeks to be a two-way conduit between the city and community regarding important issues and events especially those related to infrastructure or building projects, changes in city policy, other issues that potentially impact the quality of life, safety of residents and vitality of businesses within Neighborhood Nine.

News & Events

Find the latest City Council and Committee Meeting
Schedule and videos of past meetings here
If you're interests in the new up-zoning developments, view the latest Ordinance Committees or Planning Board meetings.

Recent meetings. 
You can fast forward to see the most interesting parts.   

November 19th Ordinance Committee Video and Agenda Packet


October 31st Economic Development Committee Video and Agenda Packet

Planning Board

Tuesday, December 17, 6:30 p.m.

City Council, Ordinance Committee

Thursday, December 19, 5:30 p.m.